Geopersia is an open access, Peer reviewed journal in the field of Geological Sciences published biannually University Of Tehran Press, Iran. The College of Science published Journal of Science, which covered all fields of basic science, from 1968 to 2010. It was then decided that the College’s journals should be more specialized, and hence publication of Geopersia was launched. Articles printed in Geopersia will be available online too.Manuscripts are processed under the understanding that no part of the work presented has been published previously in print or electronic format and that no part of the work presented is under consideration elsewhere for publication in print or electronic format.It is understood that authors publishing in "Geopersia"will be willing upon request to distribute materials and protocols used in their published experiments to qualify researchers for their own use.
Contacts, Administrative
Managerial Assistant: Nabyzadeh M.
Design and Layout:Dr. Davtalab E.
P.O. Box 14155/6455, Tehran, Iran
Tel.: +98 (21) 61113305,
Fax: +98 (21) 66405141