Controls on groundwater chemical quality in Semnan aquifer, central Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty of Earth Sciences, Shahrood University of Technology, Iran

2 Geology Office

3 Faculty of earth Sciences, Shiraz university, Iran

4 Faculty of Earth Sciences, Iran Payam Noor University, Iran


Considering the significance of groundwater for human activities, it is imperative to primarily focus on assessing both the quality and quantity of the water resources. Various hydrochemical processes such as dissolution and precipitation of minerals perpetually change groundwater quality. Identifying the dominant factors that impact groundwater chemistry is crucial for comprehensive management of these vital resources. This study was aimed to assess groundwater quality to identify factors affecting hydrochemistry of the groundwater in Semnan aquifer (central Iran) using chemical and statistical techniques. In this regard, 36 samples were collected from proper locations and analyzed for major ions and physicochemical parameters. The main factors affecting groundwater quality was inferred by applying composite diagrams and simultaneous integration of statistical (Principal Component Analysis) and hydro-chemical methods. This study reveals that chemical quality of the groundwater resources in Semnan aquifer are primarily influenced by geological formations due to dissolution of evaporate minerals. The results indicate the minor impact of the ion exchange and precipitation of calcite due to common ion effect, as compared with the significant role of dissolution of evaporates


Main Subjects

Article Title [Persian]


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