
نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی

Abedi, M., 2020. Non-Euclidean distance measures in spatial data decision analysis: investigations for mineral
potential mapping. Annals of Operations Research, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-020-03681-x.##
Abedi, M., Mostafavi Kashani, S.B., Norouzi, G.H., Yousefi, M., 2017. A deposit scale mineral
prospectivity analysis: A comparison of various knowledge-driven approaches for porphyry copper
targeting in Seridune, Iran. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 128: 127-146.##
Abedi, M., Mohammadi, R., Norouzi, G.H., Mir Mohammadi, M.S., 2016. A comprehensive VIKOR
method for integration of various exploratory data in mineral potential mapping. Arab J Geosci., 9:
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Abedi, M., Norouzi, G.H., 2016. A general framework of TOPSIS method for integration of airborne
geophysics, satellite imagery, geochemical and geological data. International Journal of Applied
Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 46: 31-44.##
Abedi, M., Norouzi, G.H., Fathianpour, N., 2015. Mineral potential mapping in Central Iran using fuzzy
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Abedi, M., Torabi, S.A., Norouzi, G.H., 2013. Application of fuzzy AHP method to integrate
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