
نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی

Akhavan, G., Dobaradaran, S., Borazjani, J.M., 2016. Data on fluoride concentration level in villages of Asara (Alborz, Iran) and daily fluoride intake based on drinking water consumption. Data in Brief, 9: 625-628.##
Asadi, P., Hosseini, S.M., Ataie-Ashtiani, B., Simmons, C.T., 2017. Fuzzy vulnerability mapping of urban groundwater systems to nitrate contamination. Environmental Modelling & Software, 96: 146- 157.##
Baghal Asghari, F., Mohammadi, A.A., Aboosaedi, Z., Yaseri, M., Yousefi, M., 2017. Data on fluoride concentration levels in cold and warm season in rural area of Shout (West Azerbaijan, Iran). Data in Brief, 15: 528-531.##
Barbieria, M., Boschetti, T., Petitta, M., Tallinid, M., 2005. Stable isotope (2H, 18O and 87Sr/86Sr) and hydrochemistry monitoring for groundwater hydrodynamics analysis in a karst aquifer (Gran Sasso, Central Italy). Applied Geochemistry, 20 (11): 2063-2081.##
Battaleb-Looie, S., Moore, F., Malde, M. K., Jacks, G., 2013. Fluoride in groundwater, dates and wheat: Estimated exposure dose in the population of Bushehr, Iran. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 29(2): 94-99.##
Bay, A., Ali, S., Ghezelsofla, M., Keramati, H., Moradi, B., Fakhri, Y., 2018. Dataset on noncarcinogenic risk via nitrate and nitrite in the groundwater of Divandarreh County, Kurdistan
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Bero, N.J., Ruark, M.D., Lowery, B., 2016. Bromide and chloride tracer application to determine
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Biglari, H., Chavoshani, A., Javan, N., Mahvi, A.H., (2016). Geochemical study of groundwater
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Bodrud-Doza, M., Hossain Bhuiyan, M.A., Didar-Ul Islam, S.M., Rahman, M.S., Haque, M.M., Fatema, K.J., Ahmed, N., Rakib, M.A., Rahman, M.A., 2018. Hydrogeochemical investigation of
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Bottrell, S., Tellam, J., Bartlett, R., Hughes, A., 2008. Isotopic composition of sulfate as a tracer of natural and anthropogenic influences on groundwater geochemistry in an urban sandstone aquifer, Birmingham, UK. Applied Geochemistry, 23(8): 2382-2394.##
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Choi, B.Y., Yun, S.T., Yu, S.Y., Lee, P.K., Park, S.S., Chae, G.T., Mayer, B., 2005. Hydrochemistry of urban groundwater in Seoul, South Korea: effects of land-use and pollutant recharge. Environmental Geology, 48(8): 979-990.##
Colombani, N., Di Giuseppe, D., Kebede, S., Mastrocicco, M., 2018. Assessment of the anthropogenic fluoride export in Addis Ababa urban environment (Ethiopia). Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 190: 390-399.##
Dehbandi, R., Moore, F., Keshavarzi, B., 2018. Geochemical sources, hydrogeochemical behavior, and health risk assessment of fluoride in an endemic fluorosis area, central Iran. Chemosphere, 193: 763-776.##
Dehghani, M.H., Haghighat, G.A., Yousefi, M., 2018. Data on fluoride concentration in drinking water resources in Iran: A case study of Fars province; Larestan region. Data in Brief: 19: 842-846.##
Emenike, C.P., Tenebe, I.T., Jarvis, P., 2018. Fluoride contamination in groundwater sources in
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Enalou, H.B., Moore, F., Keshavarzi, B., Zarei, M., 2018. Source apportionment and health risk
assessment of fluoride in water resources, south of Fars province, Iran: Stable isotopes (δ18O and δD) and geochemical modeling approaches. Applied Geochemistry, 98: 197-205.##
Fukada, T., Hiscock, K.M., Dennis, P.F., 2004. A dual-isotope approach to the nitrogen hydrochemistry of an urban aquifer. Applied Geochemistry, 19(5): 709-719.##
Ghesquière, O., Walter, J., Chesnaux, R., Rouleau, A., 2015. Scenarios of groundwater chemical evolution in a region of the Canadian Shield based on multivariate statistical analysis. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 4: 246-266.##
Gupta, R., Misra, A.K., 2018. Groundwater quality analysis of quaternary aquifers in Jhajjar District, Haryana, India: Focus on groundwater fluoride and health implications. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 57(1): 375-381.##
Hassen, I., Hamzaoui-Azaza, F., Bouhlila, R., 2016. Application of multivariate statistical analysis and hydrochemical and isotopic investigations for evaluation of groundwater quality and its suitability for drinking and agriculture purposes: case of Oum Ali-Thelepte aquifer, central Tunisia. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 188 (3): doi:10.1007/s10661-016-5124-7.##
Hildenbrand, Z.L., Carlton, D.D., Meik, J.M., Taylor, J.T., Fontenot, B.E., Walton, J.L., Henderson, D., Thacker, J.B., Korlie, S., Whyte, C.J., Hudak, P.F., Schug, K.A., 2017. A reconnaissance analysis of groundwater quality in the Eagle Ford shale region reveals two distinct bromide/chloride populations. Science of the Total Environment, 575: 672-680.##
Hosono, T., Siringan, F., Yamanaka, T., Umezawa, Y., Onodera, S., Nakano, T., Taniguchi, M., 2010. Application of multi-isotope ratios to study the source and quality of urban groundwater in Metro Manila, Philippines. Applied Geochemistry, 25(6): 900-909.##
Jalali, M., 2005. Nitrates leaching from agricultural land in Hamadan, western Iran. Agriculture,
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Jalili, D., Rad Fard, M., Soleimani, H., Akbari, H., Kavosi, A., Abasnia, A., Adibzadeh, A., 2018. Data on Nitrate-Nitrite pollution in the groundwater resources a Sonqor plain in Iran. Data in Brief, 20: 394-401.##
Joshi, S.K., Rai, S.P., Sinha, R., Gupta, S., Densmore, A.L., Rawat, Y.S., Shekhar, S., 2018. Tracing groundwater recharge sources in the northwestern Indian alluvial aquifer using water isotopes (δ 18O, δ 2H and 3H). Journal of Hydrology, doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.02.056.##
Karimi, A., Radfard, M., Abbasi, M., Naghizadeh, A., Biglari, H., Alvani, V., Mahdavi, M., 2018.
Fluoride concentration data in groundwater resources of Gonabad, Iran. Data in Brief, 21: 105-110.##
Kazemi, G.A., 2011. Impacts of urbanization on the groundwater resources in Shahrood, Northeastern Iran: Comparison with other Iranian and Asian cities. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 36(5-6): 150-159.##
Khanoranga, S.K., 2018. An assessment of groundwater quality for irrigation and drinking purposes around brick kilns in three districts of Balochistan province, Pakistan, through water quality index and multivariate statistical approaches. Journal of Geochemical Exploration. 197: 14-26.##
Kshetrimayum, K.S., 2015. Hydrochemical evaluation of shallow groundwater aquifers: a case study from a semiarid Himalayan foothill river basin, northwest India. Environmental Earth Sciences, 74:7187-7200.##
Kshetrimayum, K.S., Laxmi, T., 2017. A hydrogeochemical approach to evaluate the occurrence and source of salinization in the shallow aquifers of the southeastern Imphal valley in the Indo-Myanmar range of Northeast India. Environmental Earth Sciences, 76(20).##
Li, J., Zhou, H., Qian, K., Xie, X., Xue, X., Yang, Y., Wang, Y., 2017. Fluoride and iodine enrichment in groundwater of North China Plain: Evidences from speciation analysis and geochemical modeling.Science of the Total Environment, 598: 239-248.##
Li, S.L., Liu, C.Q., Patra, S., Wang, F., Wang, B., Yue, F., 2011. Using a dual isotopic approach to trace sources and mixing of sulphate in Changjiang Estuary, China. Applied Geochemistry, 26: S210-S213.##
Maurya, P., Kumari, R., Mukherjee, S., 2018. Hydrochemistry in integration with stable isotopes (δ18O and δD) to assess seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers of Kachchh district, Gujarat, India. Journal Geopersia 2021, 11(1): 81-100 99 of Geochemical Exploration, 196: 42-56.##
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Monjerezi, M., Vogt, R.D., Aagaard, P., Saka, J.D.K., 2011. Hydro-geochemical processes in an area with saline groundwater in lower Shire River valley, Malawi: An integrated application of
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Morán-Ramírez, J., Ledesma-Ruiz, R., Mahlknecht, J., Ramos-Leal, J.A., 2016. Rock-water interactions and pollution processes in the volcanic aquifer system of Guadalajara, Mexico, using inverse geochemical modeling. Applied Geochemistry, 68: 79-94.##
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Nandimandalam, J.R., 2012. Evaluation of hydrogeochemical processes in the Pleistocene aquifers of Middle Ganga Plain, Uttar Pradesh, India. Environmental Earth Scienves, 65: 1291-1308.##
Nassery, H.R., Alijani, F., Mirzaei, L., 2009. Environmental characterization of a karst polje: an example from Izehpolje, southwest Iran. Environmental Earth Sciences, 59(1): 99-108.##
Neisi, A., Mirzabeygi (Radfard), M., Zeyduni, G., Hamzezadeh, A., Jalili, D., Abbasnia, A., Yousefi , M., Khodadadi, R., 2018. Data on fluoride concentration levels in cold and warm season in City area of Sistan and Baluchistan Province, Iran. Data in Brief, 18: 713-718.##
Pazand, K., Khosravi, D., Ghaderi, M. R., Rezvanianzadeh, M. R., 2018. Identification of the
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Petelet-Giraud, E., Luck, J.M., Othman, D.B., Joseph, C., Negrel, P., 2016. Chemical and isotopic fingerprinting of small ungauged watershed: How far the hydrological functioning can be understood?. Geoscience, 348: 379-386.##
Radfard, M., Rahmatinia, M., Akbari, H., Hashemzadeh, B., Akbari, H., Adibzadeh, A., 2018a. Data on health risk assessment of fluoride in water distribution network of Iranshahr, Iran. Data in Brief, 20: 1446-1452.##
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