Editor’s Note



I am delighted to announce completion of the second issue of the new journal of “Geopersia”, a product of the new era of replacing the Persian language journals with specific English-language ones. Our purpose is to provide a journal that offers a multi-disciplinary analysis of issues concerning Geology subjects (i.e. sedimentology, stratigraphy, paleontology, Petroleum Geology, Engineering Geology, Tectonics, Economic Geology, Petrololgy and all other aspects of Geology). The journal will strive to combine academic excellence with professional relevance. We try to fill the gap of the great existing need for an English-language journal for our geologist academics and to become the principal forum for an inter-disciplinary dialogue between our geologist researchers. This new journal is built on the premise that a multi-disciplinary approach to the Geology sectors and to encourage an inter-disciplinary dialogue with and between our authors; that requires intelligibility across the borders of the authors’ specialities.